With all the confusion and different versions we didn’t post every version: This is the latest Version of Adobe Zii You are best to try for yourself Download the apps through Adobe Creative Cloud and Always Drag app on to the seems to work better. DESCARGA ADOBE ZII PATCHER 4.4.8: Antes de bajarlo y ponerte a comentar sin leer, esta versión tiene las siguientes características: 1)Parchea Apps CC 2019 indicadas 2)Parchea Adobe Acrobat DC 19.021.20048 o anteriores 3)Consulta la guía Zii Patcher de. You’d discover it very stable and Mac users ought to surely have this software. It was created by the same team that made the popular Windows software patcher, Adobe Crack. It capabilities very easily taking on for very area. Adobe Zii is a software patcher for Mac Adobe applications.

Adobe Zii Patcher is a small and great utility which helps you forget about all issues with the registration of all Adobe existing products. Adobe Zii Patcher 4.5.0 corrige las últimas versiones CC 2019 y añade soporte para Acrobat DC Pro 19.021.20049. Adobe Zii is a one-click software program patcher tool for Mac and its newest version has full help for CC 2015, CC 2018, CC 2019, CC 2020, CC 2021 and CC 2022 software program.