Therefore, it becomes vital for patients to maintain blood pressure chart.Monitoring BP at home helps you become actively involved in your health care. There are many people around who might have encountered the problem of getting different readings in doctor’s chamber and at home. Importance of blood pressure logThe blood pressure reading obtained by doctor actually captures a single moment reading which can often be influenced by white coat hypertension phenomenon.
140/90 or more: Having a very high blood pressure that indicates hypertension. More than 120/80 and lower than 140/90: Have a normal reading, but still a bit higher compared to reading that it should be. More than 90/60, but less than 120/80: This states that you are having a healthy pressure and have an ideal condition. 90/60 or less: This signifies you are having a low pressure. This would indicate the problem you are presently encountering: This will further indicate whether the person is experiencing low or high blood pressure.You have possibility of calculating the predicted heart rate by making use of the below formula:220 - (Age) = Age Predicted Maximum Heart Rate Indication of blood pressure readingThrough blood pressure log you will understand that whether the number is high or low compared to the normal range. What is meant by blood pressure log?While looking into a traditional blood pressure log, you can visualize that it is a graphical representation of different blood pressure readings that may be below or above the normal rate. Usually the term blood pressure is referred to arterial pressure and it signifies to pressure that occurs in larger arteries and restrict blood from reaching to the heart. The pressure gets decreased while blood flows through arteries, veins, arterioles and capillaries. So, if the reading is above or below the normal blood pressure, then it signifies that it’s time for you to visit a doctor! Meaning of blood pressureBlood pressure usually refers to force that restricts circulating of blood on the wall of blood vessels. Eating habits and lifestyle can be a major reason behind affecting the normal pressure level in life. It is rightly said, “ prevention is better than cure”, but what steps to be adopted once blood pressure is encountered in human body? Blood pressure usually varies from person to person and there are different factors that influence BP.